Ben Rew at Frumunda tracking guitar (above)
Jeff Falbo, Juan Lozoya, & myself in the Shred Shed (R-L, below) |
August 8th, 2020:
Extra long entry this time! There's quite a bit going on right now...an update is overdue... Recently, I found out that Euripides Pants trumpet/vocalist Tim Cole passed away which rather obviously had me bummed out. As a way to deal, I decided to go and digitize one of our old shows and post it to my bandcamp as a free download. Its from "94 at EMOS in Austin the night we opened up for the COWS. You can check it out HERE. Tim was quite a character. He had been in a funny little punk group called the CRUSTIES from Milwaukee. Around Austin, TX. he was not only known as a musician but as a knowledgeable Light Rigger at many of the big events, festivals and such productions around town. He also had a little tree trimming business and would scramble up a tree like a squirrel, no problemo. No fear of heights with this guy, I think he rather had a thing for it. The first time that I ever heard Tim's playing, it was on the DADDY LONGHEAD "Cheatos" LP. Because of this I thought Pinkus (their bass player/voc) might like horns... So, when I had an opportunity to meet him at one of their DLH shows back in '94, I introduced myself to him as a saxophone player rather than as a drummer. I figured Jeff had a sufficient number of drummer friends (having been in BUTTHOLE SURFERS) but he may not have access to a lot of sax players so my beedy little mind thought I could use that to get a foot in some door or somethinks...which didn't work the way I thought it would. Jeff was not interested in a sax player. However, through him I wound up getting in touch with Rey Washam and auditioning for EURIPIDES PANTS. So, in the end I scored a gig to play with TIM and REY from that DLH album, which was pretty groovy to me! And, well, if I'd never been in the PANTS I would have never been in MINISTRY, cuz thats how THAT gig happened. Rey got pulled into that band, and then he pulled me in about 3 years later. MINISTRY was how I was able to do some real touring, which is what I ultimately wanted. So, Thanks Tim. You were a hell of a guy, who died far too soon. I'm real happy to have gotten to know you. ...SIGH!! So, that's the bad news. Fortunately, I have other news and some of it is pretty sweet... First of all, I now have some physical copies of PINEAPPLE FOGHORN, my latest solo LP on CD-r with a nice little cover by P. Earwig, if you're into that kinda thing or just want to help out. If you want one, zip me a note: [email protected] Second of all, as I have mentioned in previous entries I have started to write some music with Ben Rew. Tangentially, I had been considering learning some other sound editing software for some time now rather than be beholden to PROTOOLS and their wonderful new subscription model. Ben convinced me to try out LOGIC PRO X (which he had a license to give me a copy of. Thank you, Ben!). I will say that I'm sold on it at least in terms of ease of use for Midi based stuff. It totally kicks ProTools' butt in terms of Midi. I'm still so used to editing audio waves in Protools that I still gotta get over a learning curve, and I cuss and pull my hair out. But I think over time I will use both. The best part is that while learning the new software I composed a bunch of ideas, some EDM, some INDUSTRIAL, and I have an intention of releasing some stuff in those genres. I've been wanting to make more INDUSTRIAL music for a while now and this software will definitely help a lot. Meanwhile, Thirdly, my search for other musicians to bring the songs from my solo albums to life has started to finally succeed!! Thru TAD I met Scott Wade (who put a solo on one of the songs on PINEAPPLE FOGHORN). Thru Scott I met Juan Lozoya, who is not only a mighty fine drummer but a drummer within a few minutes from where I live, who lives next to the highway with a Shred Shed in his back yard that we can be loud AF any time of day or night, and who is a blast to hang around with. Major score to meet Juan! He likes my tunes, we get along well and for the last month or two we've been rehearsing twice a week! How about that! Not only that, but Juan recently brought someone named Jeff Falbo on board to play bass... so things seem to be really progressing in the form-a-band dept! I purchased a 100w Orange Pedal Baby for some headroom, and its been so great getting loud and working with other humans! More to come...hopefully much more. Pretty sweet news, eh?...but we really need a band name, which brings me to my next bit of news. So, Fourthly, in trying to figure out band names which is a task I HATE but have to DO every so often... I sought once again to consult a funny little list of band name ideas that I knew I had in a stack of poems and lyrics ideas given to me by the late-great RANDY BISCUIT TURNER of the BIG BOYS (when we were working on a project together called NAUGAHYDE DREAM SEQUENCE). By the way, he died 15 years ago as of the 18th of this month. Hard to believe its been that long!! |
Anyway, I had found the manila envelope and pulled out the big ol stack of papers and started looking for the list and wtf! I spotted something that I had not spotted before: an ESSAY?!? by BISCUIT!??! Yes! a big ol' 22 page, hand written, first hand account... of the PUNK SCENE IN TEXAS?!?! from the late 70's thru early 80's, especially focused on Austin!! Whoa! I was flabbergasted, cuz it was pretty detailed with many names of people, venues, bands and other unsung heroes from the scene I dearly loved. How is it possible that I never saw this essay?? Everyone seems to know about New York, London or Los Angeles...Chicago even... but not Texas so much. Was I the only guy with a copy of this?? I doubted that, but when I searched for it on the web I sure couldn't find it anywhere. I typed it up so I could upload the text to my site or something. I showed it to Ben, and he was kinda flipped out by it too and jokingly said, "you should make a movie of this".
Later that night it occurred to me that actually Ben was right. It shouldn't be too hard to make a documentary power-point presentation in iMovie. And apparently I've been tasked to do it, so I am! Very soon I will be putting out calls for photographs of specific things that for whatever reason I am unable to find online. If you're able to help, that would be greatly appreciated.
Fifthly, I've written a bunch more songs...duh.
RIP TIM! I can't believe you're gone!
...not to mention PETER GREEN.
Carpe Diem!! & thanks for reading my rant. I hope you are all safe and sound during this very strange time!
Later that night it occurred to me that actually Ben was right. It shouldn't be too hard to make a documentary power-point presentation in iMovie. And apparently I've been tasked to do it, so I am! Very soon I will be putting out calls for photographs of specific things that for whatever reason I am unable to find online. If you're able to help, that would be greatly appreciated.
Fifthly, I've written a bunch more songs...duh.
RIP TIM! I can't believe you're gone!
...not to mention PETER GREEN.
Carpe Diem!! & thanks for reading my rant. I hope you are all safe and sound during this very strange time!

April 11th, 2020:
I'm sorry, but I'm just awful about updates, promotion and social media stuff. I used to do so much more...I know I oughta be more active, but I just don't seem to find the inspiration to dig in and do it often enough. I'm here though and just as active in as ever... just hunkered down in the studio.
On April Fool's Day I released a new LP entitled, "PINEAPPLE FOGHORN"! This album did not just plop out of me like "49 3/4" did. It took more effort, and I am definitely happy with the result.
Its a 10 songer with P. Earwig artwork! Give it a listen by clicking HERE.
I will print up some CD-r copies for those who like em soon. Stay tuned for that.
In mid-January, a nice fellow who goes by the name KILLBOT GOR GOR ATTACK finished up a little video about the Ministry album ANIMOSITISOMINA, which I certainly had a hand in..and he did a good job!
It's on his Youtube channel, which you oughta check out...good stuffs. Link over to it by clicking HERE.
Meanwhile, slowly, and extra slowly since now everyone is in lock-down and quarantined due to the PLAGUE of 2020, Ben Rew and I have continued to try to form a band -- sending each other song ideas in emails -- which has been at least a little productive. He's written some new ones... and I've written 4 in the last 2 weeks, as well as recorded some drum loops for a couple friends to mess with. I can't wait for this thing to pass...I'm assuming you feel the same. This blows.
Also! I purchased a cheap, gloss black, offset body-style guitar with a tremolo system and P-90 pickups (for a different tone from my guitar with Humbuckers and single coils). It looks sorta like a FENDER JAGUAR, if you're savvy, just cheapo. I'm digging the P-90's, so, that's been inspiring. I've definitely tried to stay busy and work on my "studio tan". There are new items in the works for sure.
Anyway, Bella and I are safe and sound. She turns 16 next month, which is pretty mind-boggling to me. Time flies yet again! I hope you and your crews are all well and that perhaps you, too, can dig in to some good projects...big projects have been keepin me sane, anyway! Boredom = depression, right?... Well, screw dat!!
I'm sorry, but I'm just awful about updates, promotion and social media stuff. I used to do so much more...I know I oughta be more active, but I just don't seem to find the inspiration to dig in and do it often enough. I'm here though and just as active in as ever... just hunkered down in the studio.
On April Fool's Day I released a new LP entitled, "PINEAPPLE FOGHORN"! This album did not just plop out of me like "49 3/4" did. It took more effort, and I am definitely happy with the result.
Its a 10 songer with P. Earwig artwork! Give it a listen by clicking HERE.
I will print up some CD-r copies for those who like em soon. Stay tuned for that.
In mid-January, a nice fellow who goes by the name KILLBOT GOR GOR ATTACK finished up a little video about the Ministry album ANIMOSITISOMINA, which I certainly had a hand in..and he did a good job!
It's on his Youtube channel, which you oughta check out...good stuffs. Link over to it by clicking HERE.
Meanwhile, slowly, and extra slowly since now everyone is in lock-down and quarantined due to the PLAGUE of 2020, Ben Rew and I have continued to try to form a band -- sending each other song ideas in emails -- which has been at least a little productive. He's written some new ones... and I've written 4 in the last 2 weeks, as well as recorded some drum loops for a couple friends to mess with. I can't wait for this thing to pass...I'm assuming you feel the same. This blows.
Also! I purchased a cheap, gloss black, offset body-style guitar with a tremolo system and P-90 pickups (for a different tone from my guitar with Humbuckers and single coils). It looks sorta like a FENDER JAGUAR, if you're savvy, just cheapo. I'm digging the P-90's, so, that's been inspiring. I've definitely tried to stay busy and work on my "studio tan". There are new items in the works for sure.
Anyway, Bella and I are safe and sound. She turns 16 next month, which is pretty mind-boggling to me. Time flies yet again! I hope you and your crews are all well and that perhaps you, too, can dig in to some good projects...big projects have been keepin me sane, anyway! Boredom = depression, right?... Well, screw dat!!

Dec 30th, 2019:
So I'd written another LP's-worth of material, was starting to record the basic tracks, and got distracted. In mid November Jeff Pinkus (Butthole Surfers/Melvins/etc) came up to the Pacific Northwest on a groovy little solo banjo tour in support of his latest release "KEEP ON THE GRASS" (which is awesome and I recommend you checking out). I was so happy to be able to host him for a couple of his days off during which we were really able to party down, er, catch up! Yes, we did talk about re-releasing Areola 51 stuff...
When he listened to my latest ruffs and when I told him I was searching for good people to work with, he once again came up with what might turn into my next band situation. Turns out Tad had suggested to the same guy that he oughta check ME out... So apparently the universe wanted us to meet. His name is Ben Rew. Check out the band CAMAROSMITH to hear an example of some of his past work... He is, well, let's just say an interesting fellow that I've had several good meetings with at this point and we both feel like we'd like to proceed. He lives on the other side of town from me so there are logistics to work out and it can take a bit of time to get things rolling. But at least I do feel like something is probably about to roll, and that's exciting. I really want to play shows again.
That said, I will get back to finishing this as-of-yet-un-named LP, and hopefully it will be done by spring. I can't believe how this year flew by. Sorry, I was not very active on social media this year. I resolve to do better in 2020...!
I can't believe its time for a year end, in fact DECADE end report!
in 2019:
Released the Max Brody LP 49 & 3/4.
Released the CRESTLESS TROUGH LP, a collaboration with Tobias Eriksson.
Collaborated with TAD Doyle on one of his songs.
I worked out a live set from my latest LPs...lots of pre production...lots of practicing.
Played my first open mic as well as solo show on guitar jr!
Wrote my next LP.
Finished editing/engineering an LP for Something Weird Video of Spook Show Audio. Super groovy!
Started an Instagram account, posted a bunch of old show flyers and a few pics.
Met local musicians to try to start a band...
Contributed to and appeared in a coffee table table book called "MINISTRY--Prescripture--A Visual History", by Aaron Tanner and Melodic Virtue!
So I'd written another LP's-worth of material, was starting to record the basic tracks, and got distracted. In mid November Jeff Pinkus (Butthole Surfers/Melvins/etc) came up to the Pacific Northwest on a groovy little solo banjo tour in support of his latest release "KEEP ON THE GRASS" (which is awesome and I recommend you checking out). I was so happy to be able to host him for a couple of his days off during which we were really able to party down, er, catch up! Yes, we did talk about re-releasing Areola 51 stuff...
When he listened to my latest ruffs and when I told him I was searching for good people to work with, he once again came up with what might turn into my next band situation. Turns out Tad had suggested to the same guy that he oughta check ME out... So apparently the universe wanted us to meet. His name is Ben Rew. Check out the band CAMAROSMITH to hear an example of some of his past work... He is, well, let's just say an interesting fellow that I've had several good meetings with at this point and we both feel like we'd like to proceed. He lives on the other side of town from me so there are logistics to work out and it can take a bit of time to get things rolling. But at least I do feel like something is probably about to roll, and that's exciting. I really want to play shows again.
That said, I will get back to finishing this as-of-yet-un-named LP, and hopefully it will be done by spring. I can't believe how this year flew by. Sorry, I was not very active on social media this year. I resolve to do better in 2020...!
I can't believe its time for a year end, in fact DECADE end report!
in 2019:
Released the Max Brody LP 49 & 3/4.
Released the CRESTLESS TROUGH LP, a collaboration with Tobias Eriksson.
Collaborated with TAD Doyle on one of his songs.
I worked out a live set from my latest LPs...lots of pre production...lots of practicing.
Played my first open mic as well as solo show on guitar jr!
Wrote my next LP.
Finished editing/engineering an LP for Something Weird Video of Spook Show Audio. Super groovy!
Started an Instagram account, posted a bunch of old show flyers and a few pics.
Met local musicians to try to start a band...
Contributed to and appeared in a coffee table table book called "MINISTRY--Prescripture--A Visual History", by Aaron Tanner and Melodic Virtue!
When I look back at what I've gone through in the last 10 years, it kinda blows my mind:
2010: Divorce finalized, I moved in with my business partner D Kithcart and we made Darkstack Multimedia a way of life. Late that summer I had a skateboard accident. While taking it easy for a bit I picked up a 3-string guitar (first time) and got more into messing around with it than I thought I would, as well as decided to start composing all sorts of music rather than pretty much only aggressive music. I recorded GUILTY PLEASURE VOL 1; BEACH BOYS and composed and recorded SMITTY in secret.
2012: Moved from Austin to Seattle...my 15+ year work relationship with Brett Bradford came to a close (Sangre De Toro, Areola 51, Insect Sex Act). sigh...good times.
2014: Started Test Apes with Danny Barnes, my website, my bandcamp site, and re-releasing all my old stuff (about 50 releases), finished editing and released my video blog from 2006-7, as well as worked on Fried Smiling, Masquerade As Angels and other long distance file swapping projects and some solo projects...until...
2018: I pick the Guitar Jr up again to compose and record the LP, "HIGH STRANGENESS IN STEREOSCOPIC SOUND". I get way more inspired and into the guitar jr than I ever thought I would... writing 3 more LPs worth of material in short order. Wanting to bring some of the songs to life, I start practice by myself and looking around the area for musicians to work with...its really slow going. Test Apes goes on a big hiatus.
2019: I play my first open mic and first solo show playing my tunes, and on a guitar jr. Tad asks me to contribute some sax playing on something and I do. I ask him if he knows any musicians I might be able to work with, and he hooks me up with some names and numbers...Pinkus comes to town...& now I'm fixin to start a band with Ben? We shall soon see! I feel so lucky that I am still able to pursue music.
I'd like to thank everyone for their continued support and I wish you all the best in the 20's!
*All the old news feed (winter 2012-winter 2019)
can now be found in "THE VAULT" in 6 volumes... *
can now be found in "THE VAULT" in 6 volumes... *