December 31st, 2014:
Well its hard to resist looking back at the year and assessing the situation when its the last day of it. Thankfully, I rate this one a success:
1. My kid is doing well in the 5th grade. She loves to read books and go to gymnastics. It seems that she is fitting in just fine. The move up here has been really good for her. I’m proud to see how she is improving herself by such leaps and bounds.
2. I was able to help my parents move into their new location in an elderly community, which was one reason I had moved back to Washington in 2012. It was a big, big move for me then, and now it was their turn--their last, they say. But its been great to be around them with the kiddo, and so far they are super happy in their new place.
3. I can’t hardly believe that I wound up releasing 27 albums on the website since August, and a couple more than that on this website, which is also filling out nicely. That is such a relief. There is a lot more to put out, but I don’t think I’ll be going at quite the rate I did at the end of 2014. That was cranking them out!
4. Early in the year INSECT SEX ACT put out its grand LP, "A Fist Full of Panties, For a Few Panties More, OR, Once Upon a Time IN YOUR PANTIES". Plus it got a decent review from the Austin Chronicle...and can you just admit that it has best album title ever?? Anyway...
5. I finished an album started just before we moved from Texas. John Hawkins and I made SMEDLEY’S RACKET. I love finishing stuff. AH. Then he asked me to work on another project called MASQUERADE AS ANGELS, which he started up after I left town. I have been able to track drums for 2 songs even though we live across the country from one another! (Sorry, but I'm still nerdy about that. Its amazing to me). I’m sure there will be more to come from them in 2015...when John gets fired up, look out!
5. And then there was the TEST APES, who got a LOT of work done. We finished a first LP/DVD, played a couple local shows, made an EP from those shows, and posted lots of blogs and got lots of feedback, as well as got a little bit of radio airplay in Colorado and Tennessee. I am so proud of our work and our progress. This weekend we go back into the studio to record improvisations-- and I’ll use an acoustic drum set for change of pace-- as well as to practice loudly for a few hours. We’d like to play more shows in 2015 for sure, so we gotta get ready and this will be a nice opportunity. At my place we do everything in headphones.
This year we recorded enough new song ideas for a pile of records, but in December, Danny wrote lyrics for one and recorded them. Thus, actually completing the first song of our second LP. He named it “Down at the Dew Drop Inn”.
6. Being asked to work for ROKY ERICKSON to help with the video backdrop for his upcoming tour is such a feather in my cap. I never would have thought. I can’t wait to see the results of all that...2015 could shape up to be a good one...
I want to thank everyone who has been following this stuff and helping me get the word out. I've had some really great letters and communications from all this. I sure do miss my Texas friends not to mention my dead friends. It still feels kinda weird not living in Texas.
In a few days I plan on moving the 2014 news feed to THE VAULT, and start a new chapter with the new year. Don't worry...there's still a huge mountain of stuff to go through, so there should be new items appearing from many of the bands already on the site as well as a new one or two in 2015. Not to mention that and I just paid the fee to keep the site up for another year a few days ago. So, forge on everyone, and best of luck to you in the new year. 2014 is dead...well in a couple hours! 2015, CHEERS!
Well its hard to resist looking back at the year and assessing the situation when its the last day of it. Thankfully, I rate this one a success:
1. My kid is doing well in the 5th grade. She loves to read books and go to gymnastics. It seems that she is fitting in just fine. The move up here has been really good for her. I’m proud to see how she is improving herself by such leaps and bounds.
2. I was able to help my parents move into their new location in an elderly community, which was one reason I had moved back to Washington in 2012. It was a big, big move for me then, and now it was their turn--their last, they say. But its been great to be around them with the kiddo, and so far they are super happy in their new place.
3. I can’t hardly believe that I wound up releasing 27 albums on the website since August, and a couple more than that on this website, which is also filling out nicely. That is such a relief. There is a lot more to put out, but I don’t think I’ll be going at quite the rate I did at the end of 2014. That was cranking them out!
4. Early in the year INSECT SEX ACT put out its grand LP, "A Fist Full of Panties, For a Few Panties More, OR, Once Upon a Time IN YOUR PANTIES". Plus it got a decent review from the Austin Chronicle...and can you just admit that it has best album title ever?? Anyway...
5. I finished an album started just before we moved from Texas. John Hawkins and I made SMEDLEY’S RACKET. I love finishing stuff. AH. Then he asked me to work on another project called MASQUERADE AS ANGELS, which he started up after I left town. I have been able to track drums for 2 songs even though we live across the country from one another! (Sorry, but I'm still nerdy about that. Its amazing to me). I’m sure there will be more to come from them in 2015...when John gets fired up, look out!
5. And then there was the TEST APES, who got a LOT of work done. We finished a first LP/DVD, played a couple local shows, made an EP from those shows, and posted lots of blogs and got lots of feedback, as well as got a little bit of radio airplay in Colorado and Tennessee. I am so proud of our work and our progress. This weekend we go back into the studio to record improvisations-- and I’ll use an acoustic drum set for change of pace-- as well as to practice loudly for a few hours. We’d like to play more shows in 2015 for sure, so we gotta get ready and this will be a nice opportunity. At my place we do everything in headphones.
This year we recorded enough new song ideas for a pile of records, but in December, Danny wrote lyrics for one and recorded them. Thus, actually completing the first song of our second LP. He named it “Down at the Dew Drop Inn”.
6. Being asked to work for ROKY ERICKSON to help with the video backdrop for his upcoming tour is such a feather in my cap. I never would have thought. I can’t wait to see the results of all that...2015 could shape up to be a good one...
I want to thank everyone who has been following this stuff and helping me get the word out. I've had some really great letters and communications from all this. I sure do miss my Texas friends not to mention my dead friends. It still feels kinda weird not living in Texas.
In a few days I plan on moving the 2014 news feed to THE VAULT, and start a new chapter with the new year. Don't worry...there's still a huge mountain of stuff to go through, so there should be new items appearing from many of the bands already on the site as well as a new one or two in 2015. Not to mention that and I just paid the fee to keep the site up for another year a few days ago. So, forge on everyone, and best of luck to you in the new year. 2014 is dead...well in a couple hours! 2015, CHEERS!
December 24th, 2014:
Today its my pleasure to release 3 albums:
And for your holiday pleasure, YOU can now download either or both volumes of GUILTY PLEASURE for FREE on my BANDCAMP alter-site!
YOW! Here is a link:
Today its my pleasure to release 3 albums:
And for your holiday pleasure, YOU can now download either or both volumes of GUILTY PLEASURE for FREE on my BANDCAMP alter-site!
YOW! Here is a link:
Meanwhile, TEST APES have started up again. Last week Danny wrote the lyrics to, and recorded what I think is our prettiest one yet, called "Down At The Dew Drop Inn". I can't wait to share that one with everyone. Its a Gooder. Additionally, we have a studio session arranged for January 2nd at my brother's house where we can get loud and use acoustic drums for a change of pace, as well as to practice for more shows. This month we met once at my place and decided it best for Danny to spend his time chillin at home and writing lyrics rather than come all the way over to my place to write more music. We have a bunch of music already. We need words. Words is the hard part...the impossible part, in my opinion. Danny sure does a good job. I'm lucky to work with him, for sure.
Oh! and He is also working on putting out a limited run of the first TEST APES LP onto CASSETTE! How awesome is that?? So, I will keep you posted as to when they become available. I DO STILL HAVE A FEW COPIES OF IT LEFT ON CD/DVD, but not alot.
For those interested in that, be sure to head over to my store!
Also, a second MASQUERADE AS ANGELS song is underway, which I've sent my drum tracks in for already. So, slowly but surely that project is progressing, I am happy to report. John Hawkins sounds quite enthusiastic about the whole thing, and its been fun. I love being able to work long distance with other artists, its so futuristic!
Its been quite a busy month trying to get a bunch done before the end of the year. These are the last releases of the year, though, I'm pretty sure... At some point I will update the site here to have all this month's releases on it, but for now they will only be available on the BANDCAMP site, which you can access with the link above.
Seriously, I hope your holidays don't suck. CHEERS!
Oh! and He is also working on putting out a limited run of the first TEST APES LP onto CASSETTE! How awesome is that?? So, I will keep you posted as to when they become available. I DO STILL HAVE A FEW COPIES OF IT LEFT ON CD/DVD, but not alot.
For those interested in that, be sure to head over to my store!
Also, a second MASQUERADE AS ANGELS song is underway, which I've sent my drum tracks in for already. So, slowly but surely that project is progressing, I am happy to report. John Hawkins sounds quite enthusiastic about the whole thing, and its been fun. I love being able to work long distance with other artists, its so futuristic!
Its been quite a busy month trying to get a bunch done before the end of the year. These are the last releases of the year, though, I'm pretty sure... At some point I will update the site here to have all this month's releases on it, but for now they will only be available on the BANDCAMP site, which you can access with the link above.
Seriously, I hope your holidays don't suck. CHEERS!
December 17th, 2014:
Well they DO fit the season, dept:
Proudly?? I'd like to announce a double dose of PINK ANVIL to add to your already abundant holiday cheer! For those who don't know, PINK ANVIL is PAUL BARKER and myself as a noise oriented spin off band from MINISTRY. A couple little "nightmares" before and after Christmas, anyone? Who's game?
The first PINK ANVIL release, recorded live at an Austin, Texas "HALLOWEEN PARTY" -- which is sort of like a tour through dozens of the best cheap, homespun scare-houses our nation has to offer...all at once -- has been on this website for some time now. But it and its follow-up, which was recorded live at a SanFransisco, California "NEW YEARS EVE PARTY" have just been released to the site. NEW YEARS EVE PARTY lays out the death and rebirth cycle that is implied in the holiday itself... before taking you to a party, experiencing the new year being born... making a resolution to continue on...
Then you die on the drive home, but its just a song...
Well they DO fit the season, dept:
Proudly?? I'd like to announce a double dose of PINK ANVIL to add to your already abundant holiday cheer! For those who don't know, PINK ANVIL is PAUL BARKER and myself as a noise oriented spin off band from MINISTRY. A couple little "nightmares" before and after Christmas, anyone? Who's game?
The first PINK ANVIL release, recorded live at an Austin, Texas "HALLOWEEN PARTY" -- which is sort of like a tour through dozens of the best cheap, homespun scare-houses our nation has to offer...all at once -- has been on this website for some time now. But it and its follow-up, which was recorded live at a SanFransisco, California "NEW YEARS EVE PARTY" have just been released to the site. NEW YEARS EVE PARTY lays out the death and rebirth cycle that is implied in the holiday itself... before taking you to a party, experiencing the new year being born... making a resolution to continue on...
Then you die on the drive home, but its just a song...
December 7th, 2014:
At last, the 2nd AREOLA 51 album, "THE DOUBLE D SIDES" is FINALLY available! Enjoy!
With that, I'd like to wish a Happy Bullstar (or whatever wintery holiday you like to celebrate) to one and ALL!
At last, the 2nd AREOLA 51 album, "THE DOUBLE D SIDES" is FINALLY available! Enjoy!
With that, I'd like to wish a Happy Bullstar (or whatever wintery holiday you like to celebrate) to one and ALL!
November 25th, 2014:
I’ve gotten BUSY: with DANNY BARNES being out on the road, I've put out several more releases. At this point its gotten up to 19! So this next release feels like a bit of a milestone, and here it is...
I’ve decided to make it an eerie, poignant, bittersweet and very special one:
Here’s the low-down...
Today would have been RANDY TURNER’S 65th birthday, if I’m not mistaken.
So Happy Birthday, BISCUIT! And to celebrate, I am releasing a second and final NAUGAHYDE DREAM SEQUENCE album; an album which includes several eerie premonitions of dying straight from BISCUIT’s mouth, with one being recorded just 4 days before he passed away. (“Sweet Memories of You”) Its crazy to me. Neither of us were thinking he was about to die, I assure you!
Next year will mark the 10 year anniversary of his death, but I’d rather celebrate his birth than his death. Whichever you prefer, pay homage in your own way and please don’t forget this guy. After you listen to “R.I.P. LP” blast your BIG BOYS, CARGO CULT, and SWINE KING stuff, if you got it! Viva RANDY TURNER!
Biscuit was brilliant, and yet a down to earth genuinely nice person. If you knew him, brace yourself: its really strange to hear him sing about dying...
Meanwhile, my old business partner Dennis Moninger contacted me recently with some very interesting news and an exciting offer. Roky Erickson (of the 13th FLOOR ELEVATORS) is supposed to be going on a tour next year, which is amazing in and of itself. I love his stuff. He is a legend to me. But what was really awesome was that Roky and his son remembered that one time I ran visuals for his act when they performed at the AUSTIN ZOMBIE BALL, like what, 4 years ago now?? ...and Dennis was contacting me hoping to get me involved in their project. Roky’s son has a band called THE HOUNDS OF BASKERVILLE, which he will be using as his back-up group. So, I’m beaming just to be asked to be a part of THAT. I’m feeling inspired to do some more F.U. Video, as well as work with my old buddies from DaRkStAcK.
And if you are someone who is unfamiliar with the 13th FLOOR ELEVATORS, or the BIG BOYS for that matter, fix that problem immediately!
Also--MASQUERADE AS ANGELS (with JOHN HAWKINS and JEFF CAMPBELL) has sent me a rough mix and I’ve added a drum take that they are happy with. So, it looks like we will slowly continue. I’ve heard they are working up a particularly good one in the last couple days and I should be getting another rough mix to add drums. They seem really happy, too, so that makes me happy.
Lots going on around here! Just wait until December when BULLSTAR, CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS comes around again...I have another big surprise...
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I am grateful to have such fine friends and family. Thank You!!
Below are two short-cut links to the new NAUGAHYDE DREAM SEQUENCE release:
I’ve gotten BUSY: with DANNY BARNES being out on the road, I've put out several more releases. At this point its gotten up to 19! So this next release feels like a bit of a milestone, and here it is...
I’ve decided to make it an eerie, poignant, bittersweet and very special one:
Here’s the low-down...
Today would have been RANDY TURNER’S 65th birthday, if I’m not mistaken.
So Happy Birthday, BISCUIT! And to celebrate, I am releasing a second and final NAUGAHYDE DREAM SEQUENCE album; an album which includes several eerie premonitions of dying straight from BISCUIT’s mouth, with one being recorded just 4 days before he passed away. (“Sweet Memories of You”) Its crazy to me. Neither of us were thinking he was about to die, I assure you!
Next year will mark the 10 year anniversary of his death, but I’d rather celebrate his birth than his death. Whichever you prefer, pay homage in your own way and please don’t forget this guy. After you listen to “R.I.P. LP” blast your BIG BOYS, CARGO CULT, and SWINE KING stuff, if you got it! Viva RANDY TURNER!
Biscuit was brilliant, and yet a down to earth genuinely nice person. If you knew him, brace yourself: its really strange to hear him sing about dying...
Meanwhile, my old business partner Dennis Moninger contacted me recently with some very interesting news and an exciting offer. Roky Erickson (of the 13th FLOOR ELEVATORS) is supposed to be going on a tour next year, which is amazing in and of itself. I love his stuff. He is a legend to me. But what was really awesome was that Roky and his son remembered that one time I ran visuals for his act when they performed at the AUSTIN ZOMBIE BALL, like what, 4 years ago now?? ...and Dennis was contacting me hoping to get me involved in their project. Roky’s son has a band called THE HOUNDS OF BASKERVILLE, which he will be using as his back-up group. So, I’m beaming just to be asked to be a part of THAT. I’m feeling inspired to do some more F.U. Video, as well as work with my old buddies from DaRkStAcK.
And if you are someone who is unfamiliar with the 13th FLOOR ELEVATORS, or the BIG BOYS for that matter, fix that problem immediately!
Also--MASQUERADE AS ANGELS (with JOHN HAWKINS and JEFF CAMPBELL) has sent me a rough mix and I’ve added a drum take that they are happy with. So, it looks like we will slowly continue. I’ve heard they are working up a particularly good one in the last couple days and I should be getting another rough mix to add drums. They seem really happy, too, so that makes me happy.
Lots going on around here! Just wait until December when BULLSTAR, CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS comes around again...I have another big surprise...
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I am grateful to have such fine friends and family. Thank You!!
Below are two short-cut links to the new NAUGAHYDE DREAM SEQUENCE release:
November 17th, 2014:
I finally have a little physical merchandise for sale in my 'store'!
Meanwhile, the Bandcamp alter-site is up to 19 releases! On November 25th I will put out number 20. It is a special release... And the date is significant too, so I hope you will stay tuned...I have a surprise.
I finally have a little physical merchandise for sale in my 'store'!
Meanwhile, the Bandcamp alter-site is up to 19 releases! On November 25th I will put out number 20. It is a special release... And the date is significant too, so I hope you will stay tuned...I have a surprise.
November 7th, 2014:
SANGRE DE TORO'S "HOLD YER BREATH" EP is now up on the site and over on the site. This EP was recorded not long after the EURIPIDES PANTS stuff, around '96-'97 at SWEATBOX.
Click the links below to give the version of Sangre that features STAN JOHNSON on Bass a listen. The EP also features cameo appearances by JIMBO YONGUE playing fiddle on one tune, and none other than BISCUIT from the BIG BOYS singing on another! This little EP packs a WALLOP.
SANGRE DE TORO'S "HOLD YER BREATH" EP is now up on the site and over on the site. This EP was recorded not long after the EURIPIDES PANTS stuff, around '96-'97 at SWEATBOX.
Click the links below to give the version of Sangre that features STAN JOHNSON on Bass a listen. The EP also features cameo appearances by JIMBO YONGUE playing fiddle on one tune, and none other than BISCUIT from the BIG BOYS singing on another! This little EP packs a WALLOP.
November 3rd, 2014:
Great News For Fans of EURIPIDES PANTS!
I've compiled a fun little set of studio oddities and outtakes from EURIPIDES PANTS in a new album I'm calling "FUMBLE ON THE TWO YARD LINE", which is not only a catch-phrase we used to use back then, but, as it turns out also kinda described the lifespan of our band. Click the links below to listen to it here onsite or over on the site...
Great News For Fans of EURIPIDES PANTS!
I've compiled a fun little set of studio oddities and outtakes from EURIPIDES PANTS in a new album I'm calling "FUMBLE ON THE TWO YARD LINE", which is not only a catch-phrase we used to use back then, but, as it turns out also kinda described the lifespan of our band. Click the links below to listen to it here onsite or over on the site...
October 31st, 2014:
BOO! eeeeeeeeeek!
A trick or treat for your earholes: today I release an album by (yup, we came up with a name!) SMEDLEY'S RACKET, which is me with John Hawkins from CRUST messing around with samples and instruments, and Jason Craig (from a zillion Austin bands) coming in to add some legit bass playing to the affair...although John does sing on ONE number...
It was recorded right before I moved up to Washington state near the end of 2012. That and the INSECT SEX ACT album were recorded right up to my last few days in Texas...sigh.
Meanwhile, MASQUERADE AS ANGELS is another project that I'm hoping to do with John, but its a separate thing...While I pretty much created SMEDLEY'S RACKET with John and Jason's help, MASQUERADE AS ANGELS is his deal and I'll help him. He just sent me a rough to add drums to earlier today.
...sadly, John claims it may be his last big effort...
Anyway, SMEDLEY'S has its own little homepage now where you can visit and listen to our quaint little numbers.
We also have a separate page on the BANDCAMP.COM alter-site so you can share, etc... use the links below to get there, and have a great HALLOWEEN!
BOO! eeeeeeeeeek!
A trick or treat for your earholes: today I release an album by (yup, we came up with a name!) SMEDLEY'S RACKET, which is me with John Hawkins from CRUST messing around with samples and instruments, and Jason Craig (from a zillion Austin bands) coming in to add some legit bass playing to the affair...although John does sing on ONE number...
It was recorded right before I moved up to Washington state near the end of 2012. That and the INSECT SEX ACT album were recorded right up to my last few days in Texas...sigh.
Meanwhile, MASQUERADE AS ANGELS is another project that I'm hoping to do with John, but its a separate thing...While I pretty much created SMEDLEY'S RACKET with John and Jason's help, MASQUERADE AS ANGELS is his deal and I'll help him. He just sent me a rough to add drums to earlier today.
...sadly, John claims it may be his last big effort...
Anyway, SMEDLEY'S has its own little homepage now where you can visit and listen to our quaint little numbers.
We also have a separate page on the BANDCAMP.COM alter-site so you can share, etc... use the links below to get there, and have a great HALLOWEEN!
October 19th, 2014:
With Danny out for a bit on tour, I have been given the opportunity to work on some other things, like the GOOBERSMOOCHERS release, "STILL LIFE WITH GOOBERS", as well as VOL. 2 of my BOOTLEG SERIES, "SANGRE DE TORO, LIVE AT THE HOLE IN THE WALL, 1998" click the link below for a listen!
With Danny out for a bit on tour, I have been given the opportunity to work on some other things, like the GOOBERSMOOCHERS release, "STILL LIFE WITH GOOBERS", as well as VOL. 2 of my BOOTLEG SERIES, "SANGRE DE TORO, LIVE AT THE HOLE IN THE WALL, 1998" click the link below for a listen!
Meanwhile I had started to work again on the 3rd PINK ANVIL album (which I suddenly had some inspiration about) when I got contacted by JOHN HAWKINS (CRUST). He has requested some drum tracks for a new project I believe is called MASQUERADE AS ANGELS and is preparing to send some roughs to me. In addition, I have been working again on the 9-track album that we started in 2012 which also features JASON CRAIG, and which will come out as its own name--which we haven't decided on yet.
Hopefully I will have something to share soon, though. So far, I like how its turning out.
Hopefully I will have something to share soon, though. So far, I like how its turning out.
October 12th, 2014:
Yow! More GOOBERSMOOCHERS, with MIKE SCACCIA! This latest release is called "STILL LIFE, WITH GOOBERS", plus the first one is out now as well on the BANDCAMP.COM site, which you can link over to by using the link below.
Yow! More GOOBERSMOOCHERS, with MIKE SCACCIA! This latest release is called "STILL LIFE, WITH GOOBERS", plus the first one is out now as well on the BANDCAMP.COM site, which you can link over to by using the link below.
...or you can listen to it on the site here, too...
October 3rd, 2014:
Test Apes played 2 gigs in September! New 3-song LIVE EP out now on BANDCAMP.COM/TESTAPES!
More info on the TEST APE HOMEPAGE! Here is a link:
September 2nd, 2014:
I was able to get in touch with Mike Vasquez, who was the executive producer of the EURIPIDES PANTS album as well as the owner of SWEATBOX RECORDS and get his blessings to sell the "WAY UP OFF IN THERE" LP produced by none other than PAUL LEARY of the BUTTHOLE SURFERS way, way back in 1995. It sure doesn't feel like 20 years ago!
Anyway, after that I contacted Rey Washam and got his okay as well! Emboldened, I went ahead and put that sucker up for you to listen, share or download.
Similarly, having had talk with Brett Bradford over the STACKED RECORDS catalog, I am going ahead and re-releasing today AREOLA 51's debut LP, "SELF TITTLED"!
Use the Button Below to listen via our BANDCAMP.COM alter-site!
I was able to get in touch with Mike Vasquez, who was the executive producer of the EURIPIDES PANTS album as well as the owner of SWEATBOX RECORDS and get his blessings to sell the "WAY UP OFF IN THERE" LP produced by none other than PAUL LEARY of the BUTTHOLE SURFERS way, way back in 1995. It sure doesn't feel like 20 years ago!
Anyway, after that I contacted Rey Washam and got his okay as well! Emboldened, I went ahead and put that sucker up for you to listen, share or download.
Similarly, having had talk with Brett Bradford over the STACKED RECORDS catalog, I am going ahead and re-releasing today AREOLA 51's debut LP, "SELF TITTLED"!
Use the Button Below to listen via our BANDCAMP.COM alter-site!

September 1st, 2014:
TEST APES are rehearsing this month as well as last month in preparation for our first show later in September, continuing to record our 2nd album next month...
Danny just got back from playing shows in Colorado at NEDFEST, and we'll be getting together starting later on this week...
TEST APES are rehearsing this month as well as last month in preparation for our first show later in September, continuing to record our 2nd album next month...
Danny just got back from playing shows in Colorado at NEDFEST, and we'll be getting together starting later on this week...
...Meanwhile, I decided one night to pull out a milk crate full of cds. The first couple of cds I pulled out were live YE OLDE CASTLETONS shows. Happily, I listened to them and enjoyed it. So I decided to edit the two shows into a quint little live album. In fact, they were our two first shows ever, before we even had a band name.
Yeah, we played some shows before we had our name. More on that later...
Then I realized over again that I have a TON of live recordings, mostly on cassettes and DAT tapes, and not on a convenient cd like these, but nevertheless a BUNCH of them. I do have the intention of eventually going through all of it, digitizing them, trimming the fat, sprucing them up a bit and presenting them as a series of bootleg recordings...
...So, I guess this is would be volume one of that! I really had not intended to get into this series just yet, but I guess it is starting itself. It was fun to hear these performances. I usually recorded shows and even other stuff like rehearsals on occasion, but I did not always listen back. Most of the recording was done to just listen back like a report card to see how we did and what could be improved. We didn't just sit around and listen to ourselves. I'm bound to be in for a bunch of surprises as I go through all these tapes. It was interesting to get a sort of fresh look at the work & I am inspired to make more volumes in the "Bootleg Series" stay tuned.
In the meantime, enjoy this show. You can click the button below and go to the alter-site, or listen to it in "THE VAULT", which at least for now is where I plan on keeping the "BOOTLEG SERIES".
August 25th, 2014:
Earlier in the month one night I randomly got the urge to put out the SANGRE DE TORO album, El Pee Numero Uno. I don't know where the inspiration came from, but I got it all ready, searching out all the old artwork files and converting them, tweeking the colors, finding the mastered CD, uploading it to my computer, converting it to Mp3 format for one site, uploading it as Aiff files to another, uploading the Mp3's to the other site, uploading the artwork files, typing up blurbs and uploading them, etc... its a bunch of simple donkey work that is more time consuming than difficult. Anyway, I got all the work done, and then got cold feet. I realized I had better get with Brett Bradford before I just start releasing our STACKED RECORDS catalog... as a matter of respect.
During the summer TEST APES had put out a release, on BANDCAMP.COM, with enough success that I was convinced to use it for an alter-site for this here MAXBRODYWORLD.COM site to sell downloads. I set up the Bandcamp account and then created a separate Paypal account for it. Soon I started releasing stuff...
For whatever reason, I am not able to sell downloads off of this site, only physical merchandise. I have been trying to figure out how to sell downloads for a long time without feeling ripped off and like I'm ripping people off. seems to be the best deal for everyone (both artist AND fan). Plus they make it easy to share and promote. So, I made the decision to go with that, but I needed to convince Brett of the same so that we could finally get somewhere with the stack of STACKED... Long story short, I had a really good discussion with him and we came to an agreement. I am so happy to report this.
By some strange coincidence, Julien Peterson of SANGRE DE TORO had run across some old SDT T-shirts and had sent them to me, arriving a few days after I released the album he's on! Weird! But I will have those available for sale soon in my store, along with some more stuff I have lined up. I plan to get more merch in the store really soon.
With that said, it is my pleasure to announce that I will be releasing the STACKED RECORDS catalog here & on the Bandcamp alter-site for MAXBRODYWORLD.COM
SANGRE DE TORO's LP, "EL PEE, NUMERO UNO" is now on sale! Click the links below to go to the album's homepage, or to the Bandcamp site
Earlier in the month one night I randomly got the urge to put out the SANGRE DE TORO album, El Pee Numero Uno. I don't know where the inspiration came from, but I got it all ready, searching out all the old artwork files and converting them, tweeking the colors, finding the mastered CD, uploading it to my computer, converting it to Mp3 format for one site, uploading it as Aiff files to another, uploading the Mp3's to the other site, uploading the artwork files, typing up blurbs and uploading them, etc... its a bunch of simple donkey work that is more time consuming than difficult. Anyway, I got all the work done, and then got cold feet. I realized I had better get with Brett Bradford before I just start releasing our STACKED RECORDS catalog... as a matter of respect.
During the summer TEST APES had put out a release, on BANDCAMP.COM, with enough success that I was convinced to use it for an alter-site for this here MAXBRODYWORLD.COM site to sell downloads. I set up the Bandcamp account and then created a separate Paypal account for it. Soon I started releasing stuff...
For whatever reason, I am not able to sell downloads off of this site, only physical merchandise. I have been trying to figure out how to sell downloads for a long time without feeling ripped off and like I'm ripping people off. seems to be the best deal for everyone (both artist AND fan). Plus they make it easy to share and promote. So, I made the decision to go with that, but I needed to convince Brett of the same so that we could finally get somewhere with the stack of STACKED... Long story short, I had a really good discussion with him and we came to an agreement. I am so happy to report this.
By some strange coincidence, Julien Peterson of SANGRE DE TORO had run across some old SDT T-shirts and had sent them to me, arriving a few days after I released the album he's on! Weird! But I will have those available for sale soon in my store, along with some more stuff I have lined up. I plan to get more merch in the store really soon.
With that said, it is my pleasure to announce that I will be releasing the STACKED RECORDS catalog here & on the Bandcamp alter-site for MAXBRODYWORLD.COM
SANGRE DE TORO's LP, "EL PEE, NUMERO UNO" is now on sale! Click the links below to go to the album's homepage, or to the Bandcamp site
August 11, 2014:
On August 18th, 2005, 9 years and one week ago, I lost a dear friend named Randy Turner, whose nickname was Biscuit. Popular guy, this Randy...most of us remember him as the singer of the 80‘s Texas PunkFunk group The Big Boys. He worked in a multitude of art forms, actually. But Biscuit was an artist’s ‘great artist’ as well as a down to earth, genuine nice person. That right there is a rare and treasured combination, especially in a vocalist from my experience. Fortunately, I've been pretty lucky most of the time.
Anyone not familiar with Randy Turner’s work, whether in music or otherwise will not be disappointed by seeking it out. (You could start by YouTube-ing “the Big Boys Austin Tx” ).
Vocally he had an amazing ability to go OFF. In fact, he seemed to take great pride in his ability to rant and especially to take on a persona and rant as that person...and have it be entertaining. He could rant psychedelically at the drop of a hat, at a moment’s notice. I definitely tried to take advantage of this ability and capture it on the album NAUGAHYDE DREAM SEQUENCE, and I look forward to finally letting this one see the light of day, if for that reason alone, but there are more.
Let us all remember not only RANDY J. “BISCUIT” TURNER, but also another close friend of mine MIKE SCACCIA who appears on most of the tracks. He is also no longer with us, dying onstage in December 2012. Like Randy, Mike had that rare combination of being super talented and yet very nice and down to earth. And hilarious. I still miss those guys so much. Known mostly as the guitarist for MINISTRY and RIGOR MORTIS, Mikey plays on several of my project albums, adding his amazing style and technique and really making any recording shine. We also had a separate project together called GOOBERSMOOCHERS. Both he and Randy were so unique and so talented... not to mention the rest of the crew, JOSH CHALMERS, JD FANNING AND JASON CRAIG!!
So I really hope you enjoy NAUGAHYDE DREAM SEQUENCE. Tell all your friends about it, and look in to the lives and works of Randy Turner and Mike Scaccia if you are unfamiliar with them...or celebrate their memory if you did!
Can you believe its been 9 YEARS?? R.I.P, my brothers...
And EVERYBODY, please remember to CARPE DIEM.
On August 18th, 2005, 9 years and one week ago, I lost a dear friend named Randy Turner, whose nickname was Biscuit. Popular guy, this Randy...most of us remember him as the singer of the 80‘s Texas PunkFunk group The Big Boys. He worked in a multitude of art forms, actually. But Biscuit was an artist’s ‘great artist’ as well as a down to earth, genuine nice person. That right there is a rare and treasured combination, especially in a vocalist from my experience. Fortunately, I've been pretty lucky most of the time.
Anyone not familiar with Randy Turner’s work, whether in music or otherwise will not be disappointed by seeking it out. (You could start by YouTube-ing “the Big Boys Austin Tx” ).
Vocally he had an amazing ability to go OFF. In fact, he seemed to take great pride in his ability to rant and especially to take on a persona and rant as that person...and have it be entertaining. He could rant psychedelically at the drop of a hat, at a moment’s notice. I definitely tried to take advantage of this ability and capture it on the album NAUGAHYDE DREAM SEQUENCE, and I look forward to finally letting this one see the light of day, if for that reason alone, but there are more.
Let us all remember not only RANDY J. “BISCUIT” TURNER, but also another close friend of mine MIKE SCACCIA who appears on most of the tracks. He is also no longer with us, dying onstage in December 2012. Like Randy, Mike had that rare combination of being super talented and yet very nice and down to earth. And hilarious. I still miss those guys so much. Known mostly as the guitarist for MINISTRY and RIGOR MORTIS, Mikey plays on several of my project albums, adding his amazing style and technique and really making any recording shine. We also had a separate project together called GOOBERSMOOCHERS. Both he and Randy were so unique and so talented... not to mention the rest of the crew, JOSH CHALMERS, JD FANNING AND JASON CRAIG!!
So I really hope you enjoy NAUGAHYDE DREAM SEQUENCE. Tell all your friends about it, and look in to the lives and works of Randy Turner and Mike Scaccia if you are unfamiliar with them...or celebrate their memory if you did!
Can you believe its been 9 YEARS?? R.I.P, my brothers...
And EVERYBODY, please remember to CARPE DIEM.
July 11th, 2014:
I'd like to thank everyone for the warm response to the TEST APES album! We've just sold out of the large size T-shirts and only have a couple of the smalls and mediums left. But I promise I will make more --and be sure to make XL and XXL, which has been the overwhelming request. So, yes, I will be making bigger ones. I have not started printing the physical cd-r/dvd-r copies yet, by the way, so I have some manufacturing fun ahead of me. Hopefully it won't take long.
AH! I'd also like to thank and bring everyone's attention to ELDON THACKER from WLAC in Nashville and MICHAEL CHAPMAN from KDUR in Durango for getting us on the airwaves so quickly! You guys know what's up, and it's really helpful. Which brings up a good point:
Everybody, we are a do-it-yourself operation and depend almost entirely on WORD OF MOUTH for promotion. Even though it may go against conventional thinking, as an artist thinking that I have to basically go "look at me! look at me!" with management and promo-packs and all the mailings... it feels YUCKY-- not to mention I think it is way less effective than OTHER people saying "have you heard of TEST APES?". I've never been too good at pushing my art. So please help us, and ask your friends that question. It would be more helpful than you may realize.
I just don't do much if anything in the way of self promotion or promotion bombs to media outlets, or asking to get reviewed or get my stuff played on the air. I do put out some announcements on Facebook and Twitter. I think that's pretty good, and doesn't feel pushy or egotistical. Everyone that has reviewed us or blogged about us or put us on the radio has done so by their own choice, through their own curiosity and initiative. So, that makes me proud. It feels good. I really don't want to pester people into listening to us, I want them to associate with TEST APES of their own will. But they have to have heard ABOUT us in order for them to investigate, and that's where I think YOU could come in. 'nuff said.
...And now, since Danny let the cat out of the bag on his mailing list... I will report, too, that yeah we are mostly done writing the second album ...(ha!!) Although none of it has any lyrics yet.
I'm VERY happy with it so far, particularly because the new electronic drum module that I'm using is so much nicer to use as a drummer, and it just sounds way BETTER. I really had to adjust my playing style to make the old one not sound like utter cheese, which it did anyway sometimes, while this one uses way newer technology and feels kinda real. Its weird.
The ability to switch back and forth between bunch of pretty decent drum set sounds has always been an advantage of electronic drums, too, and this brain has a bunch of good drum sets plus some interesting ethnic and electronic sets, while the old one had two or three good ones, one or two cute, barely useful ones and a bunch of really pointless ones. None of the cymbals on any set were good. The new ones are not so bad, which, I mean, is GREAT, for some FAKE drums, if you know what I mean.
I could blather on and on...
Anyway, this week Danny is in Canada at the Winnipeg Folk Festival playing a bunch of dates over there. When he gets back, our main focus will be getting ready to perform shows, because...
...we have a show booked in September. So, uh... we have got some rehearsing to do!! (more on that later...)
Thanks again everybody!
I'd like to thank everyone for the warm response to the TEST APES album! We've just sold out of the large size T-shirts and only have a couple of the smalls and mediums left. But I promise I will make more --and be sure to make XL and XXL, which has been the overwhelming request. So, yes, I will be making bigger ones. I have not started printing the physical cd-r/dvd-r copies yet, by the way, so I have some manufacturing fun ahead of me. Hopefully it won't take long.
AH! I'd also like to thank and bring everyone's attention to ELDON THACKER from WLAC in Nashville and MICHAEL CHAPMAN from KDUR in Durango for getting us on the airwaves so quickly! You guys know what's up, and it's really helpful. Which brings up a good point:
Everybody, we are a do-it-yourself operation and depend almost entirely on WORD OF MOUTH for promotion. Even though it may go against conventional thinking, as an artist thinking that I have to basically go "look at me! look at me!" with management and promo-packs and all the mailings... it feels YUCKY-- not to mention I think it is way less effective than OTHER people saying "have you heard of TEST APES?". I've never been too good at pushing my art. So please help us, and ask your friends that question. It would be more helpful than you may realize.
I just don't do much if anything in the way of self promotion or promotion bombs to media outlets, or asking to get reviewed or get my stuff played on the air. I do put out some announcements on Facebook and Twitter. I think that's pretty good, and doesn't feel pushy or egotistical. Everyone that has reviewed us or blogged about us or put us on the radio has done so by their own choice, through their own curiosity and initiative. So, that makes me proud. It feels good. I really don't want to pester people into listening to us, I want them to associate with TEST APES of their own will. But they have to have heard ABOUT us in order for them to investigate, and that's where I think YOU could come in. 'nuff said.
...And now, since Danny let the cat out of the bag on his mailing list... I will report, too, that yeah we are mostly done writing the second album ...(ha!!) Although none of it has any lyrics yet.
I'm VERY happy with it so far, particularly because the new electronic drum module that I'm using is so much nicer to use as a drummer, and it just sounds way BETTER. I really had to adjust my playing style to make the old one not sound like utter cheese, which it did anyway sometimes, while this one uses way newer technology and feels kinda real. Its weird.
The ability to switch back and forth between bunch of pretty decent drum set sounds has always been an advantage of electronic drums, too, and this brain has a bunch of good drum sets plus some interesting ethnic and electronic sets, while the old one had two or three good ones, one or two cute, barely useful ones and a bunch of really pointless ones. None of the cymbals on any set were good. The new ones are not so bad, which, I mean, is GREAT, for some FAKE drums, if you know what I mean.
I could blather on and on...
Anyway, this week Danny is in Canada at the Winnipeg Folk Festival playing a bunch of dates over there. When he gets back, our main focus will be getting ready to perform shows, because...
...we have a show booked in September. So, uh... we have got some rehearsing to do!! (more on that later...)
Thanks again everybody!
If you'd like to share this music around on the web or make a purchase, we have set up a TEST APES page on BANDCAMP.COM for your convenience. ENJOY!
you can go to the Bandcamp site by pressing this button:
you can go to the Bandcamp site by pressing this button:
July 1st, 2014:
The TEST APES first album is done, and you can check it out for free in a number of ways.
Here on the website I have a homepage for the album where you can listen to the songs, watch the video(s) and look at all the old newsfeed from the time period the album was made. (You can access that page by clicking the new "The Test Apes FIRST ALBUM" tab under the "TEST APES homepage" tab, upper left corner of the page...or just HIT THE BUTTON BELOW!)
The TEST APES first album is done, and you can check it out for free in a number of ways.
Here on the website I have a homepage for the album where you can listen to the songs, watch the video(s) and look at all the old newsfeed from the time period the album was made. (You can access that page by clicking the new "The Test Apes FIRST ALBUM" tab under the "TEST APES homepage" tab, upper left corner of the page...or just HIT THE BUTTON BELOW!)
June 5th, 2014:
I am finally uploading the project that was done with the one and only Stu Spasm of LUBRICATED GOAT fame. It was originally made around 2007. Victor, from RATATRATR, who sings, pretty much tells the story of how the album came to be with the first track, "Liner", a spoken liner note. You can listen to it now, by going to the new, BRODY-SPASM-TETE ENCOUNTER page I just set up, under the PROJECTS tab, upper left corner of this page.
Meanwhile, Danny Barnes from Test Apes is playing shows on the East Coast this week, and I am trying to stay away from the Test Apes stuff for a few days to get some distance from it, before Mastering it on the 25th. That has given me the time to upload this record I made with Stu and a bunch of my friends. I'm really proud of it. Its quite a supergrouping of musicians. Back in 2007, I had made a bunch of video footage surrounding this project. So, someday I may get to editing all that.
May 29, 2014:
New TEST APES video blog on their page!
Access it via their TAB, upper left corner of this page...
May 26, 2014:
Over the last 6 weeks TEST APES have finished up their first album! It is to be a very limited run cd/dvd package as well as a downloadable and shareable set of files, and will consist of 10 songs, 8 videos and a credits page with artwork. The tracking part of the process is done and a mastering session has been set.
Meanwhile, I am working with Danny on creating our publishing company, a DBA, a bank account, and doing BMI paperwork for everything, graphics for the packaging, making more shirts and getting us ready to perform shows starting, hopefully, in August! Lots to do! far, so good. As of now, the plan is to make the downloadable release available through the website “”, and the cd/dvds available through the site. Actually, Danny wants to release it on cassette, too, and is working on getting that done, and those should be available through both his and my websites. I might make a few VHS copies of the videos to go with the cassettes...we’ll see. lol
Access the TEST APES page with their Tab, upper left corner of this page, to see the cover art and listen to some preview mixes!
Meanwhile, I’ve recently had a great conversation with John Hawkins (CRUST) with whom I had started up a project just before I moved from Austin to Seattle. Since then the project had basically stalled out. But now, John is in a much better position to proceed. Currently he is working on building a new and very interesting sounding work rig consisting of big juicy custom built springs attached to fretboards and pickups, with the signal going through some amazing vintage pedals, and also a mic to sing through a bunch of other effects. He says he’ll be sending me something soon-ish, and that he hasn’t forgotten about our project, and hopes I haven’t either. I haven’t!
I am finally uploading the project that was done with the one and only Stu Spasm of LUBRICATED GOAT fame. It was originally made around 2007. Victor, from RATATRATR, who sings, pretty much tells the story of how the album came to be with the first track, "Liner", a spoken liner note. You can listen to it now, by going to the new, BRODY-SPASM-TETE ENCOUNTER page I just set up, under the PROJECTS tab, upper left corner of this page.
Meanwhile, Danny Barnes from Test Apes is playing shows on the East Coast this week, and I am trying to stay away from the Test Apes stuff for a few days to get some distance from it, before Mastering it on the 25th. That has given me the time to upload this record I made with Stu and a bunch of my friends. I'm really proud of it. Its quite a supergrouping of musicians. Back in 2007, I had made a bunch of video footage surrounding this project. So, someday I may get to editing all that.
May 29, 2014:
New TEST APES video blog on their page!
Access it via their TAB, upper left corner of this page...
May 26, 2014:
Over the last 6 weeks TEST APES have finished up their first album! It is to be a very limited run cd/dvd package as well as a downloadable and shareable set of files, and will consist of 10 songs, 8 videos and a credits page with artwork. The tracking part of the process is done and a mastering session has been set.
Meanwhile, I am working with Danny on creating our publishing company, a DBA, a bank account, and doing BMI paperwork for everything, graphics for the packaging, making more shirts and getting us ready to perform shows starting, hopefully, in August! Lots to do! far, so good. As of now, the plan is to make the downloadable release available through the website “”, and the cd/dvds available through the site. Actually, Danny wants to release it on cassette, too, and is working on getting that done, and those should be available through both his and my websites. I might make a few VHS copies of the videos to go with the cassettes...we’ll see. lol
Access the TEST APES page with their Tab, upper left corner of this page, to see the cover art and listen to some preview mixes!
Meanwhile, I’ve recently had a great conversation with John Hawkins (CRUST) with whom I had started up a project just before I moved from Austin to Seattle. Since then the project had basically stalled out. But now, John is in a much better position to proceed. Currently he is working on building a new and very interesting sounding work rig consisting of big juicy custom built springs attached to fretboards and pickups, with the signal going through some amazing vintage pedals, and also a mic to sing through a bunch of other effects. He says he’ll be sending me something soon-ish, and that he hasn’t forgotten about our project, and hopes I haven’t either. I haven’t!